ubah dari bentuk positif ke negatif ke tanya
simpel present
ubah dari bentuk positif ke negatif ke tanya
simpel present

1. (-) Irfan does not come to the library every day
(?) does Irfan come to the library every day?
2. (-) Maria does not buy a flower for his mom every once in a well
(?) does Maria buy a flower for his mom every once in a week?
3. (+) Johan speaks English well
(?) does Johan speak English well?
4. (+) Shanty goes to school every day
(-) Shanty does not go to school every day
5. (+) We go to cinema on this Sunday night
(-) We do not go to cinema on this Sunday night
6. (+) Lisa and I do exercise at the park every morning
(?) do they do exercise at the park every morning?
Maaf, kalo sampe 6 aja
Semoga membantu.